In most firms, employees have now become accustomed to remote work. But as we see, the pandemic phase is diminishing, and organizations are looking to call their workforce back to the office. However, the new challenge is that companies have invested a lot in their remote work setup. On the other hand, employees also enjoy work flexibility while working remotely. In such a case, having a hybrid remote work model in your organization is really effective. It not only gets work flexibility but also favors those who would like to come back to the office work culture.

Isn’t that great? Let’s learn more about what does hybrid remote work means.

What Is Hybrid Remote Working Model?

In hybrid remote working models, employees can work in-office or in their remote workspace. Due to this arrangement, employees have the flexibility to work from their homes when they can’t join the in-office workforce. This combination of both in-office and remote working culture is growing quite popular in the current generation. And most employers are also quite feasible with the changes in this model as it helps them get better employee engagement in their organization.


The hybrid remote work model is very productive yet also seems to be a cost-effective solution for many businesses. But for many companies, it is not feasible enough to manage remote employees and in-office employees together. As a manager, if your company also comes under the same, you must know that there are technologies that can help you set up a hybrid workstation for your organization without much spending.

Use EmpMonitor To Create Hybrid Workstation In Your Organization

Your first step toward implementing a hybrid remote work model should be by implementing tech facilities in your workplace and also providing access to remote workers. Surely the cost of introducing such a technological solution may cost you a lot. But don’t worry, since you can have the best employee monitoring software with a workforce management solution at a flexible price range.

EmpMonitor not only helps you track the computers of employees in the office, but you can also use this on the systems of remote workers. With this tool, you can manage timesheets, attendance, and work productivity in your organization very effectively.

All the more, it provides real-time tracking features like screenshot monitoring, keystroke logger, a rule-based alert system that detect any insider threats or suspicious activities happening in the organization.


Decide What Tasks To Do In Office

Before implementing a hybrid remote work policy in your organization, you need to make decisions about what tasks need to be done in the office only. There are some jobs where employees need to interact with each other and management in person. In such a case, managers should be calling such guys to work from the office.

For example, if a company is having a tangible task that requires the physical presence of several employees. Employers need to call them at the office table. Only that way, the company could be able to meet their deadlines. While managing several projects, it is the task of the manager or team leader to distinguish between the tangible and intangible tasks and whom to assign such tasks. Accordingly, they can provide flexible work and in-office working options to employees.

Requirement of Your Employees

Even with work flexibility in a hybrid work model, employees may require different types of equipment while working from home. Unless and until those requirements are fulfilled, employers have to call their employees to work in the office workplace. In such a case, if there are some tasks that need specific equipment, team leaders can assign tasks to workers based on their hybrid remote work schedule.

work flexibility

Here are a few things you need to make certain before taking a hybrid work model in your organization.

  1. Are your employees all equipped with the things needed to work remotely?
  2. If not, can they visit the office to do their tasks that require such software or hardware?
  3. Have you created a schedule for employees who need equipment available in the office?
  4. Are you able to provide sufficient supplies to employees who work remotely from their homes?

If you get answers to these queries, you are ready to take the next step into introducing a hybrid remote work model in your company.

Schedule Remote Work Tasks To Increase Productivity

One of the reasons why many firms are considering working remotely is because it helps them to enhance productivity. With the flexibility to work from home, people can manage their work-life balance more efficiently. And it also has a positive effect on their working ability as well. From a research analysis, we found that most remote working employees do their tasks more efficiently compared to a normal office-going worker. As they have flexibility with time management as well.

Preferably on the basis of skill and managing abilities, you may even assign some of your employees to work remotely occasionally. It will also enhance employee engagement in your organization. The ones who lack management skills can continue to work from the office or even work remotely (In case of personal emergencies).

Social Interaction With Others

After the lockdown, it has been seen that even though people were working remotely, they felt depressed working in isolation. With remote work, the lack of social interaction seems like quite a problem. However, because of the latest conferencing tools and software, that problem has got sorted out as well. But still, people have been missing the physical touch in their workspace during the lockdown phase.

Fortunately, everything is recovering, organizations still need to be more careful and call only a few employees in the workplace (while being careful to avoid Covid-19). That’s where implementing a hybrid remote work policy could be a great idea, as it may help the work team to engage while showing their presence in the office while being in a safe environment.

Tip to be cautious from Covid-19 – Make sure every employee wears a mask after entering the office premises and do regular temperature checks before letting them enter.

Work From Home (remote work) or Work From Office

One of the main reasons why hybrid remote work models are getting popular is because it allows people to choose whether to work from home or work from the office. Thanks to this now employees can also enjoy working in an office workspace once in a while (according to their hybrid remote work schedule).


Ideally it is better to create a schedule for all of employees and create categories for those who –

  • Must work in office
  • Are temporary not available to visit office
  • Are working from a remote place
  • Can visit office according to their tasks assigned

It also depends on the employees whether they prefer to work remotely or visit the office to do their tasks. Being on the management part, you need to make sure to create a schedule for all employees falling under the above given categories.

Final Words:

Many organizations are employing remote and hybrid work models in their firms. The reason is employees are quite happy with the flexible work-life balance with the remote work option. They also have the option to work from the office whenever needed.

Things like a small social gathering in a workspace is not a dream anymore. The tangibility is that people are now ready to come back to the office to work like before, however, we can’t be sure when the situation may come to a brink.

So what do you think? If you have any queries, make sure to mention them in the comments section.
